Customer Testimonials

We just wanted to say thank you for the fitted bedroom you installed in December.We are delighted with them,they are very well made and fit perfectly. It was an excellent experience from start to finish
Dixon, Hambleton
It has been 6 weeks since you fitted our wardrobes and we wanted you to know that the arrangements in all four bedrooms and for the desk in bedroom four have all been working well. We are still very pleased with the finished external look and the space gained has more than met our needs.
Morris, Pocklington
We just wanted to say a big thank you for the splendid job once more and are really thrilled with the furniture.
Vince, Mkt Weighton
Regarding the recent installed wardrobes at our home,we would like to say how pleased we are with them and your company. What a refreshing change it has been to deal with people who appear to know exactly what customer service means.
Hallewell, Wilberfoss
You recently fitted wardrobes in our guest bedroom and we wanted to write and say how delighted we are with them. We will not hesitate to recommend you.
Broomhead, Tockwith
I wish to thank you for the installation work carried out to both bedrooms where you replaced the old wardrobes and drawers with new superb looking units and to the new office you constructed I am very pleased with both,they are outstanding.Please use me as a referee should you wish to do so.
White, Hotham
Now that the fitted wardrobes are completed , my wife and I would like to thank you and your staff for the fine job you have made of the end project. We are very satisfied and delighted with the end result which has met all our plans.
Williams, Dringhouses
Just a little thank you to all at Moonlight Bedrooms Ltd. I am very pleased with the quality of my fitted wardrobes, I couldn’t have wished for anything nicer.
Benson, Bridlington
We are extremely pleased with the result and full praise to your fitter.who dealt with the very uneven floors and wall in our ‘old’ house with a sense of humour and the end results are highly professional. I will have no hesitation in recommending you to others and in using your company again.
Lester, Dunnington

We are writing to thank you very much for the lovely bedroom units,We are very pleased with them everyone says how lovely it looks. We would not hesitate to recommend you to other people.
Coates, Wheldrake